Saturday, January 4, 2020

If People Value Their Privacy - 1033 Words

If people value their privacy, why do they share personal information on their Facebook pages and in their blogs? Most people who post personal information on Facebook believe they know who has access to their personal information. Generally, they intend the information to be for friends or maybe groups (people of a shared interest). From the conversations that I have had with work associates, I find many, if not most are unaware of the complexity of setting the permissions of who get to see what they have posted. To further compound the complexity, Facebook will make changes to their ‘security’. Facebook is very slow to inform the users that they need to reevaluate their security settings. I have often helped associates with these settings. When going through the steps with them, they are very upset that the world or even a group of people or students had access to their personal postings. I have seen faculty members dismissed because of improper privacy settings and students suspended for the same reason. Many years ago, after our department chair, co-chair, and a faculty member w ere sacked for not setting their privacy settings correctly, as the story goes, I quit Facebook If you have your body scanned in a department store, who owns that information? Should the store have the right to sell your measurements to other businesses who in turn average and use those measurements to determine sizes and set prices? Many would see this scenario no different from when one go toShow MoreRelatedPrivacy, Surveillance, And Law Essay1684 Words   |  7 Pagesour personal information becomes an important issue if people are expected to trust the government, companies, and each other. Although scholars have provided several accounts of the importance of privacy, it still remains unclear how individuals view and value it. 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Throughout the essay, using variousRead MoreThe Privacy Of An Individual1700 Words   |  7 Pagesgood to the greatest number of people which is the measure of right and wrong.† The privacy of an individual is at its most a fundamental right to which one is entitled. Furthermore, the infringement of an individual’s privacy is rarely justified to any extent, even under circumstances with the purpose of protecting a nation because it deprives individuals of their fundamental rights. However, the government believes that they have the authority to trump the privacy of citizens in order to upholdRead MorePrivacy And Its Effect On Society1030 Words   |  5 Pagesto a certain level of privacy in regards to their personal information. However, there is the constant increase and enhancement in technology and the growing value of information for use in decision making. Between these two facts, the definition of privacy becomes unclear and allows people to gather information that one might deem confidential. Privacy has been manipulated in efforts claiming that as long as it is beneficial in the long run to a wholesome amount of people then it is allowed. ThereRead MoreThe Ethics Of Commercial Privacy1654 Words   |  7 Pagesof Commercial Privacy In â€Å"The Right of Privacy,† Richard Posner argues that, â€Å"the law should in general accord private business information greater protection than it accords personal information. Secrecy is an important method of appropriating social benefits to the entrepreneur who creates them while in private life it is more likely to conceal discreditable facts† (404). However, his argument is flawed, because it dehumanizes individuals, disregarding the value of their privacy in order to placeRead MorePrivacy, Secrecy, And Reputation1097 Words   |  5 Pagesinternet, some people argue that privacy no longer exists. From the 2013 revelations of government surveillance of citizens’ communications to companies that monitor their employees’ internet usage, this argument seems to be increasingly true. Yet, Harvard Law professor Charles Fried states that privacy, â€Å"is necessarily related to ends and relations of the most fundamental sort: respect, love, friendsh ip and trust† (Fried 477). However, Fried is not arguing that in a world where privacy, in its mostRead MorePrivacy Preservation Of The Field Of Data Mining1525 Words   |  7 Pagesdata storage and processing technologies, privacy and security has become our major concerns in the field of data mining. Privacy preservation is one of the most important and challenging factor as the sensitive data should not be embarrassed by the adversery.this paper presents wide survey of different privacy preserving techniques and algorithms for privacy preserving data mining and points out the merits and demerits. Different approaches of privacy preservation: In this era where internet

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